sauteed romaine lettuce with garlic and hot pepper flakes

cooked lettuce, who would've thunk? it is absolutely delicious. i got the idea from a local burmese restaurant. the sauteed lettuce has a delicate sweetness and a pleasing combination of softness in the leaves and a bit of crunch in the heartier stems.
and it couldn't be easier to prepare. simply slice a head of romaine into about one inch rounds, heat some oil (or not) in a pan, and fry away. add pressed garlic, red pepper flakes and salt to taste. the whole thing takes maybe seven minutes, start to finish. one head of lettuce reduces down to about two cooked servings. or if you're a greens and garlic hog, like myself, one serving.
so if you have some hearty romaine lettuce lurking in the fridge that you need to do something with, give it a whirl. i promise, you'll like it.
>>so if you have some hearty romaine lettuce lurking in the fridge that you need to do something with..
We sure do, all the time!
Thanks for the idea:)
Yay! My mom who's from Beijing makes something similar to this all the time. Wow haven't thought of this dish in a while... thanks for reminding me. :) She used to use veg. oyster sauce thinned out I think..... mmmmmm.
Although I have done a similar thing with spinach It never occurred to me to use romaine lettuce. I'll have to give it a try, sounds delish,
I actually have sauteed lettuce before, and really liked it. I sauteed it with garlic, and added lemon juice, salt and pepper and it was delicious. It wasn't romaine though, it was mixed baby greens.
I'll have to give this a try.
kaivegan: romaine is so sturdy it can lurk for quite some time if you're not careful..
gamine: hmm, so it's a chinese dish. that makes sense as the restaurant is half burmese half chinese. do you like sauteed pea shoots?
jessiegirl: the romaine is delicate and slightly sweet whereas the spinach is velvety and hearty...if you like the spinach version i'm sure you'll like the romaine one. i actually prefer it!
primaryconsumer: i'll have to try the mixed version next time i have one of those gigantic earthbound mixed greens tubs from costco about to go off..
grace: i hope you like it!
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