wild mushroom noodles

i love mushrooms. they are so earthy, hearty, dank and soul-satisfying. they lend backbone to otherwise thin vegetarian dishes...the t-bone of the vegetable world. i also love soba noodles with their hummus-y, kinda damp-doggy flavor. together they form a celestial union.

this recipe is from nina simonds book, asian noodles, a beautifully photographed easy to read collection of, yep you guessed it, asian-inspired noodle dishes, both vegetarian and non vegetarian. my guy doesn't like soba noodles, he says they smell like dirty gym shorts, so i prepared his portion using curly noodles. much to my surprise and a little to my annoyance, there was much poaching of the "gym shorts" scented noodles off of my plate. i think i might have growled once or twice. it was that good.
Wild Mushroom Noodles
1 T. oil
12 cloves garlic, smashed with flat end of knife and thinly sliced
8 oz. dried chinese black mushrooms
1/2 lb. fresh shitake
1/2 lb. fresh cremini
3 1/2 + T. sake
1 1/2 cups scallions
1/4 lb. dried soba noodles
3 1/2 T. soy sauce
1/4 c. cilantro
Heat oil and saute sliced garlic for about 15 seconds. Add all the mushrooms and cook for 2-3 minutes. Add sake and cook, covered for about 4 minutes until the mushrooms get really juicy. Remove the lid and simmer until liquid reduces by about 1/4 - 1/2. Add scallions and cilantro, remove from heat and toss with noodles. my modifications included: more sake, more cilantro, more mushrooms and thickened at the end with just a tad of cornstarch dissolved in water.
Wouldntcha know? Food appreciation comes in little phases. Good for your guy to try his white noodles, and then to try your brown noodles.
Hey! Rae! I learned that Basic Soy at the Ferry Plaza market is related to San Jose Tofu. Did you know?
i had no idea that basic soy and sj tofu were related in any way. i think i'll have to go down and grill them about it this weekend at the fp farmers mkt. and i also just found out that each thursday one of the grocery stores in the sf japantown (not the one in the mall but another whose name escapes me right now) gets a very limited shipment of sj tofu. it's usually gone by the end of the day. i know where i'll be this thursday....
I love soba and pair it with everything you could imagine--and probably a few things that might not be considered acceptable in Japan. Oh man, mushrooms and soba. Will have to try that soon.
PS: I too have been known to growl at plate poachers.
Yes! Soba and mushrooms, what a pair! This is got to be the killer recipe you're talking about!
I've made mine with either the shiitake or the dried black mushrooms. I will combine them and add cremini next time. Sounds like a winner.
I assume you have to reconstitute the dried mushrooms first? How do you do that? (It sounds like a great dish -- I want to make it!)
rachel: i'd love to hear about some of your crazy creative pairings. the oddest i've seen to date was soba noodles in place of sushi rolls in maki rolls.
kaivegan: yep, this is what i was talking about...
mark: i reconstitute dried mushrooms in just a little hot water and then reuse the soaking liquid in the dish. depending on how dried or old the mushrooms are you might want to bring them to a gentle simmer and leave to soak covered for a bit.
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