filet-o-tofu sandwich

mc rae's filet-0-tofu sandwich
iridecent skin'd
swimmer of my happy meal
sleeps in whole wheat bun
i've been toying with the idea of a faux filet-o-fish sandwich for some time now and had pretty much decided to try a beer batter coating and deep frying pressed slices of firm tofu as a filet substitute. then i came across a recipe for tofu fish sticks from the vegan lunch box. it immediately appealed to me because there was no deep frying involved. deep frying really bums me out cause it makes such a mess and because at least one of those little high velocity fire-bombs of boiling oil always manage to hit me right in the center of my rather prominent forehead.
the only major alteration i made from the original recipe was to press the tofu (i only had medium, not firm tofu) and to omit the nuts. oh, and i didn't have any soy milk for dreding the tofu in but since it was already pretty moist i figured the topping would adhere without the additional liquid, which it did. i did not have any kelp powder, which i believe is quite pricey, but did have a big bag of kombu taking up real estate in my cupboards. so i threw it into the dry container of my vitamix (i suppose a food processer or blender would also work) and voila, instant kelp powder! this might be a good substitute for you if you can't find the already powdered stuff or if you want to save some money. you can buy strips of thick, leathery kombu seaweed pretty inexpensively in a chinese'll probably run you a little more for the same thing in a japanese market.
and how did it turn out? well, with a little homemade tartar sauce, some sliced dill pickle, onion, lettuce and a toasted whole wheat bun, it tasted pretty damn good. a nice little crunch on the outside of the tofu from the cornmeal, a little sweet and tart from the tartar sauce, and some heat from the onion. but to be honest, the tofu tasted better on its own. the subtle fishy flavor and contrasting textures of the interior vs the exterior of the tofu got a little lost beneath that big, pillowy wheaty bun. don't get me wrong, it tasted great in the sandwich, but the tofu is good enough to stand on its own little kelp constructed fins. with maybe a little dipping sauce on the side.
tofu filet-o-fish
1 lb. package firm tofu, drained
2/3 cup fine cornmeal
2/3 cup almonds (optional)
2 teaspoon sweet paprika
2 teaspoon kelp granules
2 teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon onion powder
½ teaspoon garlic powder
¼ teaspoon dill weed
freshly ground black pepper, to taste
2/3 cup plain, unsweetened soymilk
1 lemon for garnishing
place all the dry ingredients in a blender or food processor and pulse until the nuts are very fine. if not using nuts you may omit this step. set dry ingredients aside. cut tofu into even slices just under ½-inch wide, then into fish stick sized slices. if making sandwiches, cut each block of tofu into four horizontal slices. dip into soymilk (or not), then press into the dry mixture. lightly oil or pan spray a baking sheet with olive oil and lay tofu slices. bake at 400 for about 15 minutes each side.
serve on a toasted whole wheat bun with pickles, onions, lettuce and homemade tartar sauce (vegannaise mixed with chopped dill pickle, onion, lemon and maybe a squirt of ketchup). squeeze alittle lemon juice over the top if you're eating them plain.
Looks great. I hear what you're saying about the bun. Sometimes it just adds too much weight to the meal. I'm gonna have try this one sometime.
Any, I'm going to have to look for kombu seaweed. I shop in Chinese grocery stores all the time, and I've never stumbled upon it. But that's the think about Chinese grocery soon as you're looking for a particular incredient, you'll find it. Otherwise you'll walk right by it an not notice.
Hi Rae,
I made Kelp powder recently (they don't sell it here, Arghhh), but didn't know how to use it, except srinkling it over salads. Thank you for this idea.
i always wanted to try tofu this way... now i have a recipe to do just that. i must have missed it or passed by it at Vegan Lunch Box... either way/anyway, THANKS! so good!
megan the vegan: i know what you mean about the chinese's amazing how much stuff, and such interesting stuff, can fit into just a few dozen aisles. in fact just the other day i almost had a heart attack when i walked through this store in chinatown here in sf and realized there was a box of gigantic bullfrogs croaking at my feet. it was a bummer, actually, and i almost tripped over a crate of turtles on my way out...
virginie: kelp could also use it sprinkled in mashed chickpeas with diced celery, onion, dill pickle and vegannaise for a fake tuna sandwich spread, and i always use a kombu stock in japanese noodle soups and as a base for miso soup.
kleopatra: yeah, this is a really good way to prepare tofu and guilt free 'cause there's no deep frying involved.
caminante says ---
hi all --- a word of caution about kombu --- i have been a vegan [ who studies nutrition ] for over 20 years & have always made my own kombu powder & wakame powder --- but kombu should only be used in tiny amounts [ literally no more than 'a pinch' ] cuz it is too high in iodine --- yes we need iodine, but kombu is too powerful to use in any but small amounts --- if i need a 'fishy' taste i use nori, which has a more 'ocean-y' taste than kombu & much less iodine --- but i do use some kombu in any recipe that has tofu/soy to counteract any possible anti-thyroid effects from the soy --- my vegan kitty & i thank you for your attention
caminante says ---
hi all --- i forgot to mention how i grind any dry sea veggie --- i do mine in a blender that has a glass container --- i do not do it in a plastic container cuz the dry sea veggie will scratch the heck out of plastic, eventually turning it cloudy & difficult to see inside --- Gina [ my vegan kitty ] & i thank you for your attention
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