agedashi tofu

this dish is pretty and tasty and a lot easier to make than you might think. it always impresses. somehow hot oil never fails to impress my friends. especially when it's spitting at me like a machine gun and making me do that crazy little crack dance. just kidding, what with the cornstarch coating and the tofu pressing, there is very little molten splats coming your way.
tofu agedashi
1 tub firm tofu
1 cup dashi stock
1 Tablespoon soy sauce
1 Tablespoon mirin (or sake)
1 Tablespoon potato starch (or cornstarch) mixed with 1 Tablespoon cold water
salt to taste
1-3 teaspoons grated ginger (to taste)
1 Tablespoon thinly sliced green onion
potato or cornstarch for dusting tofu
oil for frying
wrap tofu in papertowels and sandwich between two cutting boards or plates. place a weight on top and let sit for at least 20 minutes to expel some of the water. place konbu dashi, mirin and soy sauce in a small saucepan and bring to a boil. if you like a thicker agedashi stock add the potato/cornstarch mixed with water and stir quickly. this will thicken the sauce. sometimes i add the starch to thicken, sometimes i don't. in the picture above i didn't, so your sauce will look a little cloudier but will stick to the tofu much better. once the tofu has been pressed, pat dry and cut the cube in half. you may also cut into triangles or cubes, as you like it. dredge all sides in cornstarch and fry on each side until golden brown. to serve, place each serving in a seperate bowl and pour heated sauce over the top. garnish with a small blob of grated ginger and thinly sliced green onion. i usually put the ginger in the sauce and garnish just with the green onion.
Hi rae,
Your agedashi looks fantastic!! We serve agedashi at our izakaya, too. It’ s pretty popular esp. among female customers : ) At our izakaya we don’t expel water from tofu so that we can cook/serve fast, but luckily we are surviving…actually deep frying tofu is not as dangerous as squid tempura…
BTW, I just tagged you for five cookbooks meme. Hope you don’t mind :)
hi obachan,
the squid is hopefully not still squirming about when it's battered and dropped in the hot oil? when i was in tokyo my relatives took me to one of those ultra fresh sushi places where you point to what you want while it's peacefully lolling about in the tank dreaming the dreams of fish and ebi and in a matter of five seconds it is less peacefully flayed, decapitated and wriggling in you trembling chopsticks. i do believe that was the last time i ever ate seafood, come to think of it. and as to the meme, i quite enjoyed going through my two and three dollar used cookbook collection, although much like you i do a lot of web surfing for cookery ideas.
I'm bonkers about agedashi tofu. Try serving it with a small mound if finely shredded daikon radish. Very nice!
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