vegan pumpkin muffins

just look at those muffins. they have loft. they have crumb. they have pumpkin and spicy goodness. what they don't have are eggs. and they don't seem to miss those little yellow and white shell-clad nuggets at all.
it is a huge problem (some might say challenge and to them i say "bah-humbug! i am already quite challenged enough, thank you") in egg-free baking to get a good loft and crumb. how many dense and chewy cakes have i (and maybe you too) gnawed away at, pretending that it wasn't that bad, when in fact it was? how many oily vegan cookies have i greased my pompadour with? lots. and in the end i am a "sweegan" because, try as i might, vegan baking just doesn't compare to the real thing. and because there is something just enough removed about consuming animal products (as opposed to the animal themselves) in an infrequently indulged in treat to make it okay for me. militants raise your weapons and don't shoot till you see the whites of my meringue. i freely confess it, i am a hypocrite. i may go to peta hell but at least i'll be having a slice of some delectable dessert on my way down.
but seriously, in an ideal world i would have my own hen house and gladly eat their little eggies knowing that the little cluckers were getting good food not comprised of other animal parts, a big yard to scratch and squabble in, no hormone shots, no clipped beaks, no overcrowding and no hatchet when their spring chickenhood has passed. being a bit of an old hen myself i have a lot of sympathy for those old gals.
in a less than ideal world i would have vegan baking that works.
in this world i have some very good recipes from vegan with a vengeance. if you are a vegan, know a vegan or are vegan curious, i recommend picking up a copy of this book. the recipes don't use too many exotic or fancy-pants ingredients, don't require the use of pricey or obscure kitchen tools and is written in a really straightforward conversational tone. it is very novice-friendly.
these pumpkin muffins have a great, spicy flavor and, as long as the batter is not man-handled (no offense to any ham-fisted, neanderthal-gaited, wooly-chested men out there) they attain a nice crown and a good crumb. if using paper muffin cups you might want to give the cups a quick coating of pan spray to discourage sticking.
for more (free) recipes and reviews of vegan with a vengeance recipes, you can go to the postpunk kitchen forum index.
vegan pumpkin muffins
1 3/4 cups flour
1 1/4 cups sugar
1 Tablespoon baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon ginger
1/2 teaspoon allspice
1/8 teaspoon cloves
1 cup pureed pumpkin
1/2 cup soy milk
1/2 cup vegetable oil
2 Tablespoons molasses
sift together all the dry ingredients and set aside. in another bowl whisk together the remaining wet ingredients. pour wet mixture into dry and combine with a fork until just mixed. do not over mix or your muffins will suffer in texture. pour batter into muffin cups about 2/3 full and bake for 18 - 20 minutes. these muffins are a little chewy when they are hot so allow to cool completely before eating.
These look tasty. I also had difficulty in baking vegan cakes and muffins.Though I have been learning a lot from my blog friends.
I will try this,too. Rae,thanks a lot for sharing.
they look lovely!
Everything I've made from Vegan with a Vengeance has been amazing, but those muffins - oh my. So good. The first time I made them my boyfriend and I ate a dozen in 2 days. You should try the Raspberry Chocolate-Chip Blondie Bars. SO good.
isil s: glad to share, and if you have any good vegan baked goods, i'd love to hear about them...that remindes me of an amazing, low sugar vegan coffee cake i might whip up sometime soon...
clare: thanks. i thought they were kinda cute too. perky little a-cup muffins.
stella: i was pleasantly surprised by the recipes in the cookbook as well...the only failure to-date has been the peanut butter cookies which just fell apart in crumbly mess. have you tried the lemon cornmeal waffles? the best waffles i've ever had. ever....maybe i'll post them next week.
The muffins look so yummy and sound really healthy! Send me one right now!
BTW, I like the "recipes by category" part. Great work.
obachan: i'd be glad to send you one...anything to get them out of my house so i can stop eating so many! and thanks for noticing my template changes...i'm sure you realize you were my inspiration on that one...
Just when I've sworn not to buy any more cookbooks...
I make some awesome vegan cookies, btw. Chocolate chip, coconut, pecan and oats. Non-vegans cannot believe they are cholesterol free.
kathyf: just one more little cookbook couldn't hurt, could it? at least that's what i always tell myself. those cookies sound terribly good - hopefully you'll post the recipe sometime on your blog?
The muffins look great! Can never have enough recipes for them
These look great. I am trying them for my 2 year old who is allergic to eggs and dairy. Vegan recipes are perfect for her!
Garden of Vegan, a vegan cookbook, has a chocolate vegan cake that is the best chocolate cake I have ever tasted. I make it all the time and nonvegans never even know it's vegan. You have to bake it in foil cake pans because it falls apart easily. You freeze the two layers in order to ice them. Then you cut the foil pans off. I even make vegan flan that nonvegans like. So there is hope for vegan deserts!
What do you preheat the oven to? 350? 375? 400? I don't see it anywhere and I'm putting the batter in the muffin pan... help! Thank you!
These are soooo good. I forgot to put in the molasses and added an extra 1/4 cup oil, and threw in some extra cloves, and they turned out delicious. Best muffins I've ever made.
oh me oh my i can't tell you good these muffies are!i just put the second batch i hope you don't mind im going to give this recipe to everyone i know!! yummy yummy
I made these tonight, I substituted the oil with soy yogurt and added a little vanilla extract. They came out so moist and delicious, this recipe is yummyyy ty....
Delicious...I am presently on the FatSmash Diet. In the phase 1 you can only consume mostly veggies and fruit with some egg whites, oatmeal, yogart and brown rice. As you can imagine its a bit hard to create recipes with so few ingrediants. I substituted a few ingrediants to fit the diet.
OATMEAL instead of FLOUR
(I blended it in my small food processor to make it more powder like)
SPLENDA instead of SUGAR
SKIM MILK(it's what I had)
HONEY (I didn't have molasses)
2 1/4 teaspoons PUMPKIN PIE SPICE instead of all the other spices. It has all of those spices in it.
Thank you so much for the recipe. It really helped me liven up my diet.
I found this recipe through a google search and used it to feed ~100 people! We run a weekly vegan lunch at U of Toronto. Your recipe was a big success. Thanks for sharing!
- The Hot Yam
I have been googling for recipes that I can easily modify to fit the dietary restrictions of my very allergic toddler. He is allergic to dairy, egg, wheat, all nuts, sesame, banana (and others that don't affect any breads or desserts). This recipe was fairly easy to modify for us, and I am very hopeful that he'll enjoy it at his first real-food Thanksgiving!
they are perfect and yummy,,, i didnt tell my boyfriend they were vegan and he ate them up!
These sound great. What heat do you cook them at?
Mmm, these are amazing!
I found them while searching for a good way to use up an old can of pumpkin lying dormant in my pantry, and promptly baked up a batch for friends. They were devoured within minutes.
Thanks for posting this! It's my new go-to recipe for muffins. :)
yuuuuuum!! These are delcious. I ground up oatmeal instead of flour and used brown sugar instead of white sugar and molasses, and it stil turned out amazing. Thanks!
what's the oven temperature for these muffins?
If you look up Vegan with a Vengeance at, you can search inside the book for "pumpkin muffins" and find this recipe. The answer is 400°F.
Don't look at too many pages in the book, tho, or amazon will block you from the book entirely.
Vegan cake done properly is neithe dry, too dense, or anything short of fabulous. Try the vanilla cake recipe at and you will be amazed. I make that with some frosting of my own recipe and even omnivores are begging for more. Sharing cupcakes has lead to people asking me to bake cakes for them and offering to pay.
OMG, these muffins are just wonderful! Fluffy, sweet, spicy...and 100% cruelty-free : ) ! I baked them at 400, but let them go for about 24 minutes as they still seemed a little damp at 20. Some of them were still a bit "wet" when I took them out of their muffin tins, but they dried nicely as they cooled. I will definitely make these again!
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