imbb #19: i can't believe i ate vegan: chocolate ice cream with coconut whipped cream

here is number two in my imbb#19 entries, vegan chocolate ice cream. if you have any room left after eating your seitan shawarma, please further indulge in blasting away the "vegan food sucks" mythology. the myth that vegans eat nothing but light tan colored food circa 1974. heavy breads. seeds. twigs.
i remember when rice dream came out. i was sooo excited (even though i had no vegan pretensions at that time). and then i was sooo disappointed. that weirdly sweetish flavor and gross, grainy, icy texture. not one spoonful of "vegan" ice cream (hah! i would not be fooled again) went down my gullet for several years after that until i timidly ventured out to maggie mudd here in san francisco and tried one of their incredible coconut based ice creams. man, was that good. so bad. so good. so terribly good. nothing snow-cone-ish about that creamy bad boy wrapped in a (vegan!) waffle cone. if you live in sf, you gotta taste one of their coconut-based scoops.
so i got the itch. the "why can't all vegan ice creams be good - what's wrong with those retards - i could do it better myself" itch. one of those itches that end in humility, defeat and disaster. and then i went out and bought the cuisinart ice cream maker. this little machine has been cranking them out now for about a week, and i have had no luck in discovering the recipe to this creamy, delicious, dairy free scoop. instead i've been producing stuff that would be suitable for skiing. and then i found this guy, this vegan chocolate ice cream recipe off of the postpunk kitchen. however the original is straight from bryanna clark grogan's awesome italian vegan cookbook nonna's italian kitchen. and it is good. it is creamy. it could have been a tad more chocolate-y for me. maybe a littly nutty. perhaps a little cookie. but it was good. creamy. rich. bad. very, very bad. in the best possible way.
the only thing to note about this ice cream is that it may not go beyond a soft-serve stage in your electric ice cream maker. it will need an overnight stay in the freezer to get really hard. it softens quite a bit faster than the commercial stuff once out of the freezer.

Vegan Chocolate Ice Cream
Mixture #1:
3/4 c. water
1/2 c. corn syrup
1 tsp. vanilla
Optional: 1 1/2 Tbsp. amaretto, Frangelico, Kahlua, or other coffee, chocolate or nut liqueur
Mixture #2:
1 c. water
3/4 c. soymilk, almond milk or rice milk
1/2 c. raw cashew pieces
1/2 c. unbleached sugar or Grade A maple syrup
1/4 c. unsweetened cocoa powder
1 Tbsp. tapioca starch or instant tapioca pulverized into a powder
1/4 tsp. Salt
4 oz. dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips
blend mixture #1 in a blender or food processor until it is very smooth and frothy. it is easier if you first blend the cashews with a smaller amount of the water, adding the rest of the mixture once there is no more graininess. pour into a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan, and stir over medium-high heat until thickened. this mixture should thicken into a pudding-like consistency. Remove from heat and add in the chocolate chips, whisking until the chocolate is melted and fully incorporated. Let cool to room temperature. in the meantime, pour mixture #2 in the blender and process until frothy. add the cooled chocolate mixture and process until everything is combined. Pour into your automatic ice cream maker until it reaches a soft serve consistency. pour into a plastic container and freeze several hours or overnight before serving. Makes 1 quart Per 1/2 cup serving: 253 calories; 3g protein; 9g fat; 40g carbohydrate
coconut whipped cream topping
not really a recipe as i'm still experiementing with this one. basically chill a can of coconut cream overnight. place in a cold metal bowl and whip until light and fluffy. add powdered sugar and vanilla extract to taste. you can make your own vegan powdered sugar by grinding up regular (vegan) sugar in your blender or coffee grinder until light and powdery, adding a bit of cornstarch to keep it seperated. although pretty light and fluffy it wasn't quite perfect, so in the future i might try adding a bit of oil or a stabilizer to the mix. if you can't find cream of coconut (can be found in some stores that carry southeast asian groceries), then chill regular full fat coconut milk in the fridge, scooping out the congealed cream from the top. save the rest of the liquid for other uses.
Oh wow, that looks yummy and I can't believe that is vegan.
That looks great!!
I think silken tofu, melted chocolate and maple syurp blendend together then frozen would make a DELISH ice cream too .... I don't have an ice cream maker yet *sob*
I'm very impressed with the coconut whipped cream, Rae. It sounds divine!
Superstar Rae - going to all this trouble to experiment with vegan icecreams. SInce I am currently in the midst of a coconut obsession I am looking forward to hearing more about your experiments with making cocnut whipped cream.
good job - and thanks for entering a second time into IMBB19
OMG it's so unbelievable... non-dairy ice-cream? cool!
boolicious and gluttonrabbit: not only does it look like "real" ice cream, it tastes like it. it's really amazing...
clareeats: i did try a silken tofu based ice cream and it turned out great the second time - as for the ice cream maker, the cuisinart one is about fifty bucks and if you wait for those bed and bath coupons they send out in the mail you can get it for forty. no reason to wait!
nic: the coconut ice cream does need some work but i think we're onto something here.
sam: i love coconut as well. have you tried the triple coconut macaroons from
cook's illustrated? three types of coconut flavoring: sweetened coconut, unsweetened coconut and cream of coconut. wow.
bab_kl: yeah, cool, except that my pants are fitting a little snug...
mmmm. i love maggie mudd.
Toy Boat occasionally has some soy ice cream that's edible. Generally, though, sorbet is the best bet.
i'll have to try that ice cream recipe! Thanks!
Hi, Rae! Love your blog and great recipes and pics! I think this is actually my recipe, not from PostPunk Kitchen, as whoever gave it to you said. Below is the recipe straight from the original manuscript of my Italian cookbook, "Nonna's Italian Kitchen". No problem with you posting it, but I just wanted to correct the origin. I would have emailed you privately, but can't find an email address on your website.
Cheers! Bryanna
(CAN BE SOY-FREE) Makes 1 quart (4 c.)
This is so smooth and rich tasting that your guests will not believe it is dairy-free!
4 oz. dairy-free semi-sweet chocolate, cut into small pieces, or semisweet chocolate chips
Mixture #1:
3/4 c. water
1/2 c. corn syrup (any kind)
1 tsp. vanilla
OPTIONAL: 1 and 1/2 T. Amaretto, Frangelico, Kahlua or other coffee or chocolate or nut liquer
Mixture #2:
1 c. water
3/4 c. reduced-fat commercial soy, almond, or rice milk
1/2 c. raw cashew pieces
1/2 c. unbleached sugar, or maple syrup
1/4 c. Dutch cocoa powder (unsweetened)
1 T. tapioca starch
1/4 tsp. salt
OPTIONAL: add 1/2 c. chopped toasted nuts and/or 1/2 c. dairy-free semisweet chocolate chips when gelato is half-frozen
Melt the 4 oz. chocolate in a small pan over barely simmering hot water. Keep melted over the hot water, but off heat.
Combine Mixture #1 in the blender until well mixed, then set aside in a bowl.
Blend Mixture #2 in blender until it is VERY smooth and frothy (make sure that it is not grainy at all). Place this mixture in a heavy-bottomed medium saucepan and stir over medium-high heat until thickened. OR (MICROWAVE OPTION) place the mixture in a large microwave-proof bowl and microwave on HI for 2 minutes; whisk; cook 2 minutes more; whisk; and cook 1 minute more.
Whisk Mixture #1 into cooked Mixture #2, along with the melted chocolate. Chill the gelato mixture and then freeze according to directions for your ice cream machine. Scoop into a quart plastic container, cover and freeze for several hours before serving.
Mocha Variation: Omit the cocoa powder and add 2 T. (4 little packets) espresso powder. If using a liqueur, use a coffee one.
sf knitter: yeah, maggie mudd....
bryanna: thanks for dropping by and letting me know the origin of the recipe - it was actually posted by someone on the postpunk kitchen forum with no source cited. having said that, i DO own nonna's, it's one of my favorite cookbooks, but never noticed the ice cream recipe. thanks for all your hard work and delicious recipes, you really prove that vegan food can be healthy and tasty!
No problem! You are definitely one of the most creative vegan cooks I have seen lately-- maybe you should think of doing a book, or an e-book. Do you think you could post the origin of this recipe on the original post of the recipe? I would really appreciate that! And, don't worry-- I won't horn in here very often!
please "horn in" often.. you are my vegan cooking idol!
Thanks, Rae...and keep on cooking and taking those yummy photos!
Again, YUM to the TUM!
I want some icecream before I go to Vietnam
Coconut whipped cream is difficult... I find thick maple syrup to be a good sweetner. I will have to try oil as a stabilizer even though the thought grosses me out.
for a creamier texture try boiling the cashews first then draining..
In ragards to the coconut whipped cream topping, you should contact Maryjanesfarm.. do a search for it, I can't recall if it is .com or net or org, but regardless she sells this stuff called chillover powder that firms up like a fluffy geletin with whatever you add to it. I have used it to make several mousses and things and I think it would be perfect for your topping.. It is derived from sea kelp or something like that instead of from animal products like traditional geletin. Her products can be found in many health food stores as well as ordered off the web.
Hope that helps!
Oh my lord, this ice cream is pure heaven! I was skeptical with all the water in the recipe, but it came out so smooth and luscious even without lecithin- just like gelato! Bryanna, I know you get told this all the time, but you are a genius! Rae, thanks for posting! I never would have found this recipe if you hadn't- for some reason, Bryanna's website didn't show up in my search.
Wow, just tried your vegan chocolate icecream recipe with a few alterations eg pecans for cashews and cornflour instead of tapioca. TASTES WONDERFUL- just like a chocolate billabong only better!!!! Thanks so much.
(In the instructions though, you seem to have got the mixtures round the wrong way. ie you want to heat mix 2 right?!)
Bryanna, Rae
Can I just thank you both SO much for this recipe.
My man, whilst not vegan, is lactose intolerant and doesn't like the taste of soy - but dearly misses icecream.
By beginning with your recipe, I managed to make him his favourite mint choc chip icecream.
The only complaint being that my icecream maker won't hold anymore than a litre at a time!
Cheers, ladies
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