weekend cat blogging #50: springtime ode to a bud
bud. aka "the enforcer". aka "budmeister general". aka "sir".
i would like you all to meet bud. or, alternately, sir. many, many suns ago this bad boy was rescued when he was just small enough to fit into the somewhat mannish and freakishly large palm of my stepmother's hand. sporting an early-spring bud-like manx tail, he was christened "bud".
despite his tiny stature and lack of that most expressive of feline accoutrements, bud quickly became became the alpha dog, general disciplinarian and enforcer of good manners amongst the existing herd of three giant shepherds. throughout the years as more cats have wandered off the remote rural road, freshly abandoned by their "loving" owners, bud's role in the household has expanded to breaking in the new feline recruits. one cross eyed look, false lunge, or flash of an incisor directed toward one of his feline flock and the foolish canine quickly learns just how sharp a cat's claws can be. these days when bud, old man that he has become, is sprawled in the center of the floor, upside down, legs spread, snoring and farting in a mushroom cloud of bad breath, the now ancient and arthritic curs steer a wide berth.
clownish canine courtly
wakes in dreams of sleeping
Oh wow! We have a Bud, too, and he's also a black and white cat. He has a full tail, however, and he was named by the friend who rescued him, after her favorite beer. He's now 11 years old, is fat and lazy, but is clearly the boss of the house. Imagine his reaction when we brought a puppy into his house for the first time last year!
Thanks for posting this. It's nice to get to know another bud!
Hey Bud--you the man!!!! What a lovely tummy you have! And you live in San Francisco with Rae! You got it all.
Awww! He looks a lot like my black/white (but mostly black) manx Mochi Scout!
he doesn't look that tuff ;)
So glad your back!
Great pic! Love the pattern of the lil buddy's fur!
I'm itching to rub Bud's cute little tummy.
He's gorgeous!
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