Thursday, August 11, 2005

infused vinegar

pretty, no?

this is the latest of my experimentation with infusions: onion-infused vinegar. the red onion gives the vinegar a beautiful pinkish watermelon-ish tint and a nice wallop of onion flavor, minus the bite. and so easy! just dice up some red onion (i whole red onion for one small jar of white vinegar), bring the vinegar to a simmer in a saucepan, add diced onion and pour the contents of the saucepan plus a pinch of salt into a large jar and let sit for a week or two. strain out the onion and store in a tightly sealed jar.


Blogger cookiecrumb said...

Rae, are you being spammed? Ew.
God, what a glorious photo of pink vinegar!! Will it stay cloudy? Doesn't matter! What kind of vinnie did you use?
Plus -- you get to eat the onions, yes?
Brilliant invention. Ooh, but be careful with the metal lid.

4:10 PM  
Blogger cookiecrumb said...

One more thought: Have you ever heard of Old Sour? Key West classic sauce for fish'n'grits. Here's a version I snagged off the Internet:

Old Sour

2 cups Key lime juice
1 Tbs. salt
2 Bird peppers
Mix all ingredients together. Let stand 1 day or longer. (Longer gets it to ferment!) Strain through cheesecloth 4 times, reserving peppers. Pour into bottles with peppers. Cork. Refrigerate 2 weeks or more before using.

4:18 PM  
Blogger rae said...

hi cookiecrumb-
good point about the metal lid, i guess i'll just have to dump the vinegar stuff back into the ugly yet functional container it came in. i've never heard of "old sour" (been called an old sourpuss more than once however)- it sounds kinda like a se asian dipping sauce. what can you use it on? what are "fish'n'grits"? did you say the magic word fermentation? i am intrigued...

9:37 PM  
Blogger cookiecrumb said...

Yes, old Floridian dish (actually they like to call themselves Crackers): fresh-caught fish stewed in a bit of salted water with lots of sliced onions; when finished cooking, slop fish, onions and some of the now-tasty water over a plate of hot, plain hominy grits. Sprinkle liberally with old sour(puss). Yeah, it actually ferments a little in the bottle and gets kind of fizzy.
It's good on beans and bean soup, too. Or everything.

10:34 AM  
Blogger Sam said...

pretty - YES!
that would look very nice on my blog - the colours would match perfectly.

12:16 PM  
Blogger Monkey Gland said...

very pretty indeed!

9:53 AM  
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12:25 AM  

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